Events/ 14 November 2024


Study Tour: University College London's PEARL and CAVE

This event has now taken place.

Venue: UCL's PEARL and CAVE.

Located at the LondonEast-UK Business and Technical Park, Dagenham, CAVE and PEARL are brand new state of the art specialised research centres. PEARL is UCL’s first carbon negative in-use building. Excess renewable energy generated from its whole roof PV array is shared with CAVE and other buildings in the local energy network.

PEARL (Person Environment Activity Research Laboratory) is a first-of-its-kind research laboratory in which to create life-sized environments–a railway station, high street, town square–under controlled conditions, so as to examine how people interact with their urban environment and each other. The rich data from this research will be used with the goal of improving urban design, for a more accessible and sustainable future.

CAVE (Controlled Active Ventilation Environment) is UCL’s large scale air quality and ventilation laboratory, for applied and fundamental science and engineering studies. This facility will enable researchers to study how different types of ventilation systems affect how viruses spread in specific spatial configurations, with the goal to make indoor environments safer, healthier and more resilient.

Draft programme:

8:15-8:30 Arrival & coffee

8:30 -9:00 Introduction by Professor Nick Tyler

9:00-10:00 Tour of UCL PEARL (incl a demonstration of full sound and lighting capabilities)

10:00-10:30 Tour of UCL CAVE (with only limited view into lab space)

10:30-11:00 Speaker & Q&A Helen King PEARL Community Partnerships Manager (tbc)

University Design Forum extend their thanks to the host and sponsor, UCL and Perkins&Will. 


Post event information is being added as this becomes available.