News/ 03 March 2021


Interview with Aleksandra Sasha Krstanovic

The HEDQF comms team are pleased to introduce the first in a series of interviews with Trustees and HEDQF members. This month, Aleksandra Krstanovic (Sasha to her friends) gave us an insight into who she is, what she does and her thoughts about building design. Aleksandra is HEDQF Trustee and Founder of mstep (minds, skills, tools, environment, planning) – building design and advisory consultancy

Who are you and what do you do?

I am a mechanical engineer specialising in delivering low and zero Carbon buildings.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Setting up my own practice after 25 years in the industry.

What is your favourite thing about your career?

Learning about people that will use the buildings we design and thinking out how the buildings will best serve the needs of their users over the next generation.

Describe HEDQF in a sentence

Improving the experience and enjoyment of Universities by improving the built environment.

What is your contribution to HEDQF?

I am passionate about building performance and am a part of the building performance research group with the ultimate long-term goal of delivering an HE building design guide. I also like to talk a lot and that talent is utilised in the Comms group!

What does a good HE building mean to you – quote.

A good building is a joy to its users and a panacea to the planet. It is where we want to return time and again.

One thing about you that will surprise people.

I qualified as a yoga teacher in 2010 – I don’t actively teach these days but am forever grateful for the learning I received.

Future of learning: green or bleak?

Definitely green. The alternative is not an option.

What makes you laugh the most?

Ageing – or levelling up as I call it – when the furniture starts attacking me through the subtle medium of my eyesight and coordination deteriorating.

Zero Carbon – 2035 or 2055?

2035 if not before – I believe the pendulum has swung and the majority of humanity is going in the right direction.

That’s it from Aleksandra for now, look out for our next trustee interview in April.