News/ 01 April 2021
Interview with Ian Goodfellow
It’s time for the second interview of the month from our comms team. This month’s interview is with Ian Goodfellow, HEDQF Trustee and Deputy Chair, and Principal at Penoyre & Prasad. It was great to get an insight into what Ian does and his thoughts about building design.
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m a principal of an award winning architectural practice that believes good design improves lives. We specialise in low and zero carbon educational, health, civic and residential buildings.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Every time I receive feedback from delighted clients.
What is your favourite thing about your career?
I love leading a creative process that involves so many talented people – from colleagues to future building users.
Describe HEDQF in a sentence
An inspiring group of people passionate about improving the quality of university environments.
What is your contribution to HEDQF?
I’m on the Executive Group and involved in the Events and Research groups.
What does a good HE building mean to you – quote.
Firmitatis, utilitatis, venustatis – a zero carbon building that exceeds client expectations and instils a deep sense of wellbeing in its users.
One thing about you that will surprise people.
I’m also director of a marine research ship and have sailed with it in the Pacific, researching coral reefs.
Future of learning: green or bleak?
Green is the only way – we are at the start of a massive ecological revolution in which we learn to fully work with our planet rather than against it.
What makes you laugh the most?
My friends (I have some very funny friends….).
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Visit the future to learn and be inspired – as you can see I’m an optimist!