News/ 05 January 2022


The Art of Architecture

The Higher Education Design Quality Forum is delighted to announce Bill Hunt (Dip Arch), has been appointed as the first HEDQF Artist in Residence.

A qualified architect, Bill formerly held senior positions in the Estates Departments of Queen Mary and London Metropolitan Universities, before retiring and becoming a printmaker. With his HE background, love of architecture and passion for printing, his appointment was unanimously supported by the Trustees.

Bill has produced a series of prints on university buildings and we will be featuring one of these each month on our website and social media channels. For now, some examples of Bill’s work can be seen at the top of the page.

Dr. Ghaz Alwani-Starr Chair of HEDQF said, “As a design led organisation, having an artist in residence seemed an obvious initiative and Bill’s appointment will provide Hedqf with yet another medium to showcase the quality of university design.”

Bill Hunt HEDQF Artist in Residence said, “I am really proud to be appointed by HEDQF and hope my printworks and images contribute to the organisation’s overall principals of highlighting excellence and innovative design across the HEI sector, learning from past and looking to the future.

For more information about Bill see his biography or follow him on Instagram.