News/ 01 September 2018
Design clearly matters for HE
The HEDQF Founder Member (FM) category is now closed. A last minute flurry of new members has seen the number of FM’s increase to 81. With some of the biggest names in the sector becoming FM’s, HEDQF has a nationwide reach which now includes Ireland north and south.
Recent University FM’s include: Brunel, Edinburgh, Keele, Kent, Surrey, Trinity College Dublin and Warwick. Consultants and contractors include: Mace, Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners, Savills, Stanton Williams and Troup Baywaters and Anders.
“As the University of Warwick embarks on an era of transformation and renewal of its campus facilities and landscape, the HEDQF will provide a valuable forum to exchange ideas, views and potential solutions to assist in re-imaging and creating a campus to enable Warwick’s future success.”
(James Breckon, Director of Estates)
“HEDQF facilitates university clients, designers and constructors to discuss and debate design concepts and future trends within the Higher Education sector, and to continuously improve the design and functionality of future buildings through guided visits to recently constructed facilities. The University of Kent is therefore proud to be a Founder Member of HEDQF to help advance these aims”.
(Peter Czarnomski, Director of Estates)
Annual membership of the Higher Education Design Quality Forum is open to universities and built environment professionals whose professional expertise will contribution to the development of an understanding of design and its impact on Higher Education.