News/ 22 June 2020


Festival of Learning Spaces - HEDQF Webinar

On Thursday 4th June, forming part of the Festival of Learning Spaces event, HEDQF presented:-

Coping with Covid, Impact and Response – Reflections from University Estates Departments


  • Julian Robinson, LSE Director of Estates and HEDQF Chair
  • John Plumridge, Director of Estates – Birmingham City University
  • Dr. Ghazwa Alwani-Starr – Pro Vice-Chancellor Strategy, Planning and Partnerships; and Director of Property and Facilities Management– University of London

Like most other areas of the economy COVID-19 has had a dramatic effect on the Higher Education Sector. This webinar consisted of a general introduction, followed by reflections from the three participants addressing questions such as:

  • What has it meant for their universities and their Estates Depts?
  • How and when are they planning on re-opening?
  • Will this be a temporary blip or will there be a new normal?
  • How is it likely to impact on the delivery of learning and support services?
  • Will it change the way we design and plan our universities and the way they operate in the longer term?
  • What we have learnt so far – main takeaways
  • Personal reflections on how the pandemic has affected the way they work.
  • The individual presentations of around 10 minutes each were followed by a wide and lively range of questions from the audience together with further exploration of themes raised by the Chair Julian Robinson.