News/ 01 August 2020

HEDQF elects first female Chair
Dr. Ghazwa Alwani-Starr, Pro-Vice Chancellor Strategy, Planning and Partnerships and Director of Property at the University of London, will take up her appointment on the 1st of August. This non-executive position will involve leading the Higher Education Design Quality Forum over the next three years in delivering its charitable role to promote high quality design and innovation in university campuses, buildings and facilities. Outgoing Chair Julian Robinson of LSE commented: “HEDQF is very fortunate to have secured a high-profile woman of immense experience to lead our organisation. Ghaz’s passion and values will ensure HEDQF enters the next phase of its development in strong and capable hands. In the post-COVID HE world, the importance of high-quality design will play an even greater role.”
Ghazwa Alwani-Starr said: “Understanding the impact that the design of buildings and spaces has on their users has been an area of immense interest to me since my University days and was the subject of my PhD, so to now find myself as Chair of HEDQF is a huge honour. I am grateful to Julian for positioning the HEDQF as the ‘leading voice’ on university design, providing a repository of advice, knowledge and research to those working and studying in Universities. My focus for the next 3 years will be on supporting Universities in planning for post-COVID learning, research and work environments, building on HEDQF’s International reach and building on our research and academic profile.”
Dr. Ghazwa Alwani-Starr – biographical details
Ghazwa is a chartered civil and structural engineer with 35 years’ experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She has held senior leadership and Board level roles at CIRIA, BAA, the Prince’s Foundation and the NHS. Ghaz joined HE as Director of Estates and Campus Services at the University of Roehampton where she implemented the University’s extensive capital programme. Ghaz was a member of the Oversight Panel for the UUK’s Diamond II review of efficiency and effectiveness in HE and the lead for the work stream focussing on space efficiency in UK HE. She has non-executive director experience at Notting Hill Housing Association and at Regent’s University – London and has served as a school governor. Ghaz chaired the London Region of AUDE for 4 years and has been a Trustee on the Board of the Higher Education Design Quality Forum for 3 years. Ghaz is currently Pro Vice Chancellor Strategy Planning and Partnerships and Director of Property and Facilities Management at the University of London.
Posted 1st August 2020