News/ 02 October 2017


New Founder Members increase reach of HEDQF

The Higher Education Design Quality Forum is pleased to announce the following have become Founder Members:

  • Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE)
  • Queens University Belfast
  • University of London

Julian Robinson Chair of HEDQF commented:

“With the inclusion of Queens University Belfast and the federal University of London (comprising 18 constituent HEI’s) we can truly say we are a UK wide organisation. The inclusion of AUDE which represents UK Directors of Estates is hugely significant and we are delighted to have them on board. We look forward to supporting their work and collaborating on areas of mutual interest.”

HEDQF now has 26 Higher Education Founder Members located across the UK. Complimenting the HE founder Members are 30 companies specialising in design and built environment, in the fields of: architecture, engineering, cost management, town planning, project management and construction.