News/ 08 January 2024

Our Chair welcomes you to 2024
We have turned the corner and here we are in a new year. It might just be me but since we emerged from the pandemic two years ago the time seems to have flown by.
Looking at the calendar for 2024, I can tell you that it’s going to be another fascinating year for the University Design Forum. We champion design excellence and best practice across the higher education environment in all its forms – which includes buildings, external surroundings and, increasingly, the ways in which facilities are fitted-out and equipped. Architecture is many things but it is especially about people and we continue to be engaged in vital research concerned with the user experience. One of these is the Campus Spaces and Places work which has commenced and will derive some outcomes as the year goes on. There is also the varied programme of events for the year which include reference visits to university locations around the UK as well as an international visit to Italy. Our annual conference in early June to be held in Glasgow will be on the theme of data-driven design.
If you are finding out about us for the first time and would like to know more then do please use the information shown on this website to get involved. The University Design Forum is a friendly and collaborative organisation and if you’re not already a member then I would encourage you to join.
Best wishes for the year ahead and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events.
Trevor Wills
Chair, University Design Forum